Crisscross is proud to be among the 300 Icelandic tour operators that came together yesterday, January 10th 2017, to sign a statement on Responsible Travelling. The aim is to make Iceland a desired destination for times to come by sustainable practices and by travel operators taking responsibility for how their activities affect the environment and community. Signing the statement encourages the travel companies to follow international guidelines and definitions on corporate responsibility and sustainability in travelling.
Last December, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved the adoption of 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. The resolution recognizes “the importance of international tourism, and particularly of the designation of an international year of sustainable tourism for development, in fostering better understanding among peoples everywhere, in leading to a greater awareness of the rich heritage of various civilizations and in bringing about a better appreciation of the inherent values of different cultures, thereby contributing to the strengthening of peace in the world”.
The full statement can be read here:
The travel industry in Iceland is a vital business sector that can contribute to the nation’s long-term welfare and reputation.
In tourism, there are many challenges to be faced concerning corporate social responsibility. These include increased encroachment on nature, respect for employee rights, that communities visited by tourists receive a fair share of the benefits and that tourist safety is guaranteed and they are provided excellent service.
We the undersigned intend to promote responsible tourism by:
- Demonstrating exemplary behaviour and respect for nature.
- Ensuring the safety of our guests and treating them courteously.
- Respecting the rights of employees.
- Having a positive impact on the local community.
We intend to set goals for ourselves concerning the above mentioned responsibilities, to measure our progress and regularly publish information on the results attained by our company.